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The real maid can't be a real nanny and vice versa
The real maid can't be a real nanny and vice versa

Are you looking for an agency for maiden workers per month that provides you with a resident maid (Live-in maid with monthly salary)? Often if you arrived here, your answer is "yes", but also your goal in searching for a worker per month may be a "live-in nanny with monthly salary", and in all cases, you have reached the right place and we will help you to get the best maid or nanny with the most affordable monthly salary, but let's get to know How not to fall in the common mistake many make.

I want to start this article with a question to the parents: Will you ask the "housemaid" who lives in your home to change your child's diapers, take your child to the park, prepare food and feed your child, take him from school, help your child with his homework and take him to the doctor, or Play and nurture children from a development point of view, or train your child to sleep? I bet your answer is definitely "no" if your family is from a social class with experience in dealing with resident maids and babysitters. Because if you are a newcomer and are looking for a housemaid, you may think that the nanny is also a worker or a maid, and this is not true at all. why then ?

Parents often ask and expect nannies to take on home cleanliness roles? Although the opposite cannot happen by asking the person who specializes in weekly cleaning to take care of your child (the maid who come every week once or twice), if it is not possible to expect that the weekly worker will change diapers and pampers for your child, then why is it okay to expect from the Nanny to clean your house?

We always emphasize that the nanny and housemaid are two completely different jobs and in general, the nanny may have no experience at all in how to clean the house - the nanny has decided to be a nanny because she loves children and has a passion for taking care of them and caring for them and sitting with them.

If you are looking for a maid with a salary per month or a lived-in babysitter , you must make sure what you are looking for specifically because it will determine the experience that you will get in the end.

Mothers often complained to us that the nanny is very good with the children, but she cannot clean the house well or that she is slow in the house work. This is true because the nanny's first talent is in dealing with children and caring for them well, and for that her job is called a "nanny job" .. As for the housemaid, she is more good at cleaning and somewhat heavy work.

Both of them (the nanny and the housemaid) are very important. We can't just have a nanny only or a housemaid only. then expect to obtain the same quality in both jobs from one person.

You can search for a maid’s agency or maid office to provide you a monthly-salary based maids or nannies, but be aware that the words “maid's office, maids agency” is a rubbery word in the world of domestic workers, as well as “a nanny’s office, nannies agency” .. Because the result is that you will eventually deal with a domestic labor agency (In Egypt they call it "Domestic labor office"). There are many respectable domestic workers offices and they will provide you with very good services, but we recommend that you always deal with the domestic workers office, which really alerts you to the difference between a housemaid and a nanny, and makes sure to always enlighten you.

Learn more about the difference between a housemaid and a nanny